Ordering on Holiday.Monrovia.com

Step 1: Select a Living, Growing Gift

Looking for a truly special gift for your friends and loved ones this season? Consider sending them the lasting beauty and joy of a Monrovia plant.

Choose from our beautifully shaped traditional evergreens, highly popular camellias, unique succulents, and lush houseplants. Every plant has been selected and nurtured to become a stunning gift that your loved one will cherish beyond the season.


Step 2: Gift Beautifully

Once you've selected the perfect plant, we will guide you through the checkout process with questions about the recipient and confirm if you gift is good to grow in their area.

For nearly 100 years, Monrovia craftsmen have been pouring their passion and expertise into producing the finest quality plants. Now, for this season only, we’re offering you an exclusive opportunity to select a plant to send directly to a friend, loved one—or even yourself.

Step 3: Shipped Beautifully

Each plant is shipped ready-wrapped in charming red holiday paper, and boxed individually to ensure it arrives in beautiful condition.  Order now so your loved one can enjoy your gift all through the season, or pre-schedule delivery as desired.

Plants will arrive in 5-7 days.

holiday wrap